Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Caracterização de vinhos pelo seu teor de polifenóis
Loose, Roberta Fabricio
Wine is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and associated to it are several benefits. Such benefits are strongly connected to the polyphenol content found in wines, which are known by acting in the prevention of heart diseases, diabetes and others. Based on these factors, it was sought for a characterisation and classification of wines from different regions accordingly to their polyphenol content. Total luminescence spectroscopy (TLS) and ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UPLC®-MS) were employed to analyse and quantify phenolic compounds as (+)-catechin, resveratrol, (-)-catechin gallate, quercetin, myricetin and daidzein. Additionally, principal component analysis (PCA) was applied in a way to obtain the classification of twelve wine samples from different geographic regions. Then, using the data from TLS and PCA, it was made a classification of the wines accordingly to the wines’ colours. Based on that, it was raised a possibility that the analysed red wines may have more polyphenols than the white ones. With the UPLC®-MS data, it was confirmed the highest amount of the quantified analytes in the red wine samples. Moreover, French wines had the highest amounts of polyphenols among the analysed ones. Although the TLS data just has given a supposition about the presence of such polyphenols, such presence was confirmed by UPLC®-MS. In addition, it was not necessary any laborious sample preparation method in the present work; and the PCA data allowed the classification of wines accordingly to their colours.