Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Acessibilidade de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escola de ensino regular
Dias, Nara Teresinha Pazinato
This research studied a school reality in the interaction of observing
the accessibility process, because there is in the context individual differences,
whith the objective of tuming the inclusive school reality and, inside of this
premise for a school conscious of role in the society. For that whork pedagogic
scholarhad as concern the learning difficulties, the specialneeds of teaching,
giving to the educating necessaryconditions so that it can frequent that school
and to obtain knowledge adapted to its formation. Also tends, as theme
approached in this study the importance when it is inclusive education and
which the positioning of the accessibility of the teacher front to the subject, its
difficulties and restlessness when providing education for a quite diversified
group and with students with Special Educational Needs in Regular Classes of