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Estudo sobre ontologias aplicadas à area de computação móvel e pervasiva
Braun, Cleber Zalamena
Starting from the increase of available information at the Web and also from the
countless standard systems adopted for the development of the applications, arises a necessity of a semantics to facilitate descriptions in these systems. A way to standardize and facilitate the writing is adopting an ontology for the description and reuse of terms and their relationship. They are not only data models concept structures of the knowledge basis. The ontologies are also being used in Pervasive Computation background, just for this purpose. The Pervasive Computation symbolizes a new computational paradigm that permits to the user the access and share of computational information from any place, all the time. The mobile applications are developed by the implicit characteristics of this technology that involve: autonomy, mobility and systems’ proactivity. The SOUPA and DAML+OIL present architectures, like the COBRA and the GAIA, respectively, for applications destined to pervasive environment with the objective to facilitate the systems’ development. The purpose of this work was to study these two ontologies, as well as the architectures mentioned before, by describing and comparing their main characteristics in this new environment which represents the future of present computation.