Zimora - um modelo numérico 3D de dispersão atmosférica
2009-08-27Registro en:
ZIMERMANN, Hans Rogério. Zimora - a 3D numerical model for atmospheric dispersion. 2009. 202 f. Tese (Doutorado em Física) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2009.
Zimermann, Hans Rogério
In this thesis, we presents a development and validation of a 3D numerical model for the
advection-diffusion equation. Models of this kind has been developed for scientific investigations
and to support atmospheric emissions control and environmental policy decisions.
To develop this model, we used the computational implementation of an explicit numerical
scheme for the discretization of the envolved equations. During this procedures, exaustive
tests were performed to ensure that the used implementations agrees to the stability, consistence
and convergence criterias. As a way for minimizing one of the main deficiences found
in almost the major atmospheric dispersion models, i.e. imprecisions in the meteorological
input data for initializing this models, we used a realistic atmospheric flow field generated by
mesoscale circulation model. As the mesoscale model gives information at scale larger than
the necessary for description of a plume trajectory, a weighted linear average proper interpolation
was developed for intermediate these distances. Our model considers the assumption
that atmospheric turbulence is not isotropic, where diffusion coefficients are variables in time
and space and are different for lateral and vertical directions. In our model we estimate this
coefficients by the atmospheric boudary layer parameterizations proposed byMoraes (2000).
For validation of themodel, we used experimental datasets from field experiment carried near
a thermoelectric power plant presidente Médici, in the city of Candiota/RS. These datasets
contains surface SO2 concentrations, surface wind velocity measured in meteorological towers
as well as turbulence data measured in micrometeorological towers. The results of the
validation indicates that the model works well, at least for the source and the terrain were it
is located. i.e. continuous emission and homogeneous topography.