Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Os desafios do coordenador pedagógico na implementação do ensino fundamental de nove anos
Pires, Daniela Quartieri Simões
This final work of graduate brings reflections on the importance of the role of coordinating education in the ongoing training of teachers working in elementary school for nine years in duration, with the inclusion of children aged 6 years in the first year. From this theme has been the general objective: to analyze the pedagogical coordination of mediation in the ongoing training of teachers of elementary education for nine years and its impact on educational work. In this sense, the specific objectives are: to identify and reflect on the difficulties encountered by teachers in their educational performance in the first years of elementary school for nine years, to identify before the inclusion of children of six years in elementary school, what time training continued are provided to teachers and what contributions it brings to the pedagogical practice. To support the discussions on this issue, we carried out a survey of theoretical frameworks are appropriate to the subject. This study is shown in the following chapters of the theoretical framework, entitled: The continuing education: A process of reflection and involvement of teachers in making teaching in Elementary nine years, a second chapter: The place of children and childhood in the organization of teaching Elementary nine years and the third: Legislation Elementary School for nine years and your organization in schools. The work was based mainly in Lebanon (2004), Veiga (2004), Alarcão (2001), Heywood (2004), Delgado and Müller (2005), new (1995), Lellis (2008) and Schön (1995). From the bibliographic review, carried out a field survey, by interview with questionnaire addressed to the teacher trainers and teachers in two schools, the public schools and two municipal municipality of Santa Maria / RS. The intention was to know and analyze the work of teaching and mediation of pedagogical coordination in the ongoing training of teachers of elementary education for nine years during the implementation of Law No. 11274, February 2006, which established the elementary school for nine years in duration, with the inclusion of children of six years.