Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Os desafios da inserção produtiva das mulheres nos assentamentos: o caso do coletivo mãe terra em Jóia
Rodrigues, Inês Soares
The work focalize the productive insertion with the seated women, to bring a critical analyses
of the political credits destined to this insertion, have like empirics space research the Women
Group named Coletivo Mãe Terra, localized in the Assentamento Rondinha, in the municipal
district of Jóia , RS. There are the necessity of to insert the women in the dynamical of the
assentamentos production, wherever has the necessity of investments with the coherence of
hers necessity, and the pronaf Woman and the woman support credit are specifies credits lines
what have this objective, but have difficulty for the criterions fixed. For there, to seek to
analyze the what the contribution for this two lines of credits for the insertion with this
women group in the production. To search analyze of public aim optically with this
program’s bring back elements giving better him. For to catch up of the research working
with the dads collect with the empiric research through the observation, semi-structured
interviews and closed questionnaires. In the bibliographical revision working a few authors,
like Lenin, Carmen Deere and Andrea Butto, over there researches in the World Wide Web in
relation of the theme. The research revels what have difficulties with the women to access the
available credits for the level of indebts with the families. There of the maxims value of the
credit to destine of investments for her, be to much low for to propose, reveling of the
character of the State Class when to comparing with the destined value for the Agribusiness.