Índice de qualidade e custos em função da variabilidade temporal da água de irrigação
2011-03-15Registro en:
ZAMBERLAN, João Fernando. QUALITY INDEX AND COSTS IN RELATION TO THE TEMPORAL VARIABILITY OF THE IRRIGATION WATER. 2011. 147 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2011.
Zamberlan, João Fernando
Water is a fundamental resource to life in Earth and has been used in multiple ways though
times. However, there has been a decrease in its availability due to the increase in its consumption
which implied a quantitative reduction as well as degradation in its qualitative state. Agriculture, as the
major user of this resource, has been demanded and forced to adapt to the use of qualitatively inferior
waters, leaving better quality waters to urban supply. The quality of water has been disregarded in
most projects and irrigation activities, but the analysis and data interpretation related to its quality are
hardly comprehended by users. Another relevant factor regards the charging for water consumption,
its application and treatment costs. Usually, a cost control is done, but the intrinsic water cost is not
computated. This present work has the objective of elaborating a methodology through economic
analysis to help in the decisive process in irrigated agriculture, considering the water treatment costs
based on quality, validating the methodological procedure though the qualitative diagnosis of
superficial and reservoir waters with distinctive qualitative patterns. The work involved two reservoirs
which belong to the Federal University of Santa Maria and are located within one soil mapping unity,
São Pedro Unity, which is classified as a typical Distrofic RED ARGISOIL. The contribution basins of
both reservoirs present similar sizes, but different uses. Water samples were collected during six
months in 2010 and analyzed in order to quantify the following qualitative parameters: sodium,
calcium, magnesium, suspended solids, total dissolved solids, total iron, pH, RAS, electrical
conductivity and total hardness. Based on these values, the irrigation water quality indexes were
calculated by using a multivariate analysis through the Major Components Method while the water
costs and its treatment were determined by a decision-making analysis through a decision tree based
on the relation cost benefit. We conclude that there was temporal variation of the water qualitative
parameters in different periods of the year. Due to this variability, different indexes without information
loss were determined, generating therefore a good water characterization in the reservoirs. The
methodology and the decision tree objectively demonstrate the costs regarding the water and its
consequence in the production costs of different cultures, allowing simulation of different scenarios.
Considering the simulation in this work, the water total cost was not relevant in comparison to the
production cost, but it was identified that the total water cost represents 9.3% of the market value of
the commercialized sack, that is, normally the costs provided by several entities hide the water cost
which is paid by the producers unawarely. This methodology allows producers to identify and better
locate the costs of their activity as well as easily interpret the qualitative parameters of irrigation waters
and make more accurate decisions, mainly in relation to the irrigation management, thus, improving
effective management and its rentability.