Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O perfil dos diretores de unidades universitárias e chefias de departamento da UFRGS
Ambrosini, Anelise Bueno
The purpose of this study was to do a profile of the teacher unity’s directors and department’s heads of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The sample was composed by 27 directors and 91 heads. The data was coleted between 17th and 28th September 2012, in 3 differents public databases: the website of Portal da Transparência, the Lattes Plataform, and the website of the UFRGS. All data were tabulated; the calculation of mean and standard deviation and the tables and graphs were made by Excel ® 2007 software. Regarding gender, men are the majority of the directors (74.1%), and women at the head of departments (51.6%). 96.3% of directors have a PhD, 70.4% are associated teacher in the teaching career and 89.9% have exclusive dedication (DE) to University. The directors have an average of 23.78,5 years at UFRGS. In the department heads, 95.5% are PhD, 47.3% are associated teachers, and 92.3% are DE and have an average of 17.38.8 years of work at UFRGS. With respect to remuneration data, directors have an average basic salary of R$ 15.341,37 gross2.450,41, while the heads have an average of R$ 11.065,553.981,25. Finally, regarding the areas of the sample academic formation and institutions the data present great variability. No area of formation stands out, both among directors and between the heads. However the UFRGS stands as an institution that most formed, at all levels, its directors and unit heads of department.