Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Da mídia impressa ao hipertexto: o uso do blog, vídeo e editor de história em quadrinhos como estratégia em leitura e escrita
Martins, Juliano Paines
The present study aims to address education and pedagogical experiences in reading and
writing of elementary school students Regular State School High Emílio Alves Nunes, in
the municipality of Herveiras inside in the RS, from texts manipulated in virtual
environments called hypertext exemplified through the use of the Blog, Vídeo, and a comic
book editor. The methodology and development creates a workshop texts in the opposite
shift in which participated volunteered students from 6th to 9th grade in elementary school
grounded for tree lesson plans in reading and textual production presented in print (copied
the notebooks) and applied digital media (computer, camera and Internet connection) by the
students. It is concluded that the search the strategy promoted by the teacher to make
students become more engaged and competent in the practices of reading and textual
production of the discipline of Portuguese Language.