dc.contributorSalva, Sueli
dc.creatorSouza, Cristiani Farias
dc.description.abstractThe present work presents a reflection in the educational practice developed in the State Institution of Education Olavo Bilac (IEEOB), highlighting which pedagogical interventions can be put into practice and which can be constituted as possibilities for preschool children to have enriching experiences. In this sense, study meetings about National Curricular Guidelines for Children’s Education (DCNEIs) and others sources that outline specificities of the Children’s Education have been realized, promoting a greater interaction of the group and the elaboration of the work plan with the pedagogical interventions. The research contemplated the qualitative methodological approach denominated intervention research, defended by Damiani (2012) who understands that pedagogical interventions are “changings and innovations” organized in an intentional way, causing improvements and changings in the pedagogical practices. Throughout the text, it is presented a brief report about the historical context of the IEEOB, mainly highlighting the Children’s Education trajectory and the reasons that instigate the necessity of proposing a reflection over the current pedagogical practice developed in the Children’s Education. The authors who subsidized the reflections were Larrosa (2002), Gabre (2012) and Oliveira (2010) mainly approaching the “enriching experiences” concept. The development of the work took place from meetings with teachers and managers that work in the Children’s Education area and, together, they built the work plan with the planned pedagogical interventions for preschool children.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Educação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectEducação infantil
dc.subjectIntervenções pedagógicas
dc.subjectExperiências enriquecedoras
dc.subjectChildren’s education
dc.subjectPedagogical interventions
dc.title"Uaauuuu! o que houve aqui profe?" experiências enriquecedoras no contexto da educação infantil do IEEOB
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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