Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Os bebês nos diferentes espaços coletivos da escola infantil
Zanatta, Fernanda
The present research is addressed to babies’ education inside Children’s Education schools and their relation with collective spaces. In this sense, it aimed at comprehending the view of teachers and managers in relation to conceptions of babies and space, besides analyzing the occupation of collective spaces by babies. The study approaches to issues regarded to babies such as specific age groups, nursery routine, autonomy, space organization, integration with other children and environments, offered possibilities, different languages and the use of collective spaces of the school. Moreover, it presents inspiring practices with babies in the occupation of all environments of the school. The concepts that support this research are based on theoretical basis of reflections of authors like Barbosa (2008, 2010), Horn (2004, 2015), Rinaldi (2012), Gandini (1999), Oliveira (2012), Fochi (2014) and Gobatto (2013), in addition to contributions coming from educational legislation in Brazil. The study was developed by observing and interpreting the experiences that emerged in the daily life of the nurseries of the Municipal Schools of Cruzeiro do Sul/RS, in a phenomenological nature of research, dealing collective and individual experiences of each group of children. After the data analysis, it was possible to obtain the view of babies in the children’s education schools in the researched context. Reflections in current studies about babies considering the academic space have been underlain, believing in their potentialities on the educational setting, the search for innovation and the curiosity that moves babies to discover more each day.