Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão de resíduos sólidos: processos de gestão na área de resíduos sólidos
Munaretto, Volmir
The question of solid residues is a public health problem pública, social and economic, directly
affects all of Brazilian society. In 2010 legislation was approved in a national organization that
coordinates and waste management in Brazil, delegating responsibilities to the government and its
bodies. This legislation also describes the principle of the generator responsible for production use
and disposal, highlighting the various forms of production, and various types of waste produced
worldwide. This way we can emphasize the commitment of everyone involved in driving the
process, because it is a global problem that involves issues of public health. This study concludes
by suggesting alternatives within the management process and new ways to minimize waste
accumulated, especially in garbage dumps or deposits intended for this purpose