Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Amostragem em avaliações de riscos ambientais ocupacionais
Lago, Siomara Cristina Broch
This study had as objective to show the sample characteristics for quantitative evaluations of
environmental occupational risks. So, a bibliographic review was done upon the probabilistic and
non-probabilistic kinds of sampling. Later, based on the Health and Occupational Security
legislation, the peculiarities and the necessary considerations were identified to sampling in
environmental occupation. First of all, a quantitative analysis from the work places and from the
functions performed is necessary. Identified the environmental risk, the workers are divided in
HGE – homogeneous group of exposition, based on the level of exposition to the risk. In HGE of
maximum risk, the most exposed worker is selected. Based on him the quantitative analyses are
done. The evaluation should be randomized, more than one day’s work. Preferentially, the time
of sampling should be the entire journey. When it is not possible, partial or punctual samples,
randomized taken during the day’s work, should be done. So, the average values of exposition
from HGE of maximum risk is obtained. If the HGE of maximum risk shows an acceptable level
of risk, the HGEs of less exposition would also be with acceptable exposition. If the group of
higher exposition would be upon the acceptable limit of exposition, the evaluation is directed to
the next prior group more exposed, and so on. This way it is possible to act faster with control
attitudes on a group in real risk, when unacceptable levels of exposition are identified.