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Sombrinha como proteção solar – interação entre design de estamparia, tecnologia têxtil e a arte de Beatriz Milhazes
Beust, Milene Miorim
The article deals the rescue of umbrella like a fashion acessory, with the solar protection order, developing a surface design for the umbrella top, joining product design questions, fashion and textile technology . The search presents two main fields: (1) the formal and technical design study for the stamping and (2) your aplication in the technologic textiles for the product top. For this project implementation, became a theoretical survey, through bibliographic search based in the stamping, in the technologic textiles and in the thematic reference. How visual reference for the criative process completion, was explored the paints production of carioca artist Beatriz Milhazes. How methodologic direction, the study was grounded in the notes of the author Gui Bonsiepe (in the Experimental Methodology work, 1984) for the products development .