Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A gestão escolar em escolas municipais de Santa Maria - RS
Ribeiro, Claudete Fogliato
The school as a social institution must be administered from its specificities, ie, an entity with responsibilities and circumstances that relate to human development through political, social and educational. This study conducted in the year 2012 aims to verify how the School Administration and the main difficulties faced in their daily lives. The methodology used is the case study, in the case of an exploratory descriptive qualitative, interview with the intended direction of three schools in elementary school located in Santa Maria/RS. The results highlight the importance of democratic management for the quality of teaching and show that although significant advances have already happened, there is still the need to deepen understanding about the matter, broaden the opportunities for discussion seeking the participation of all stakeholders, a key condition for improving the quality of education.