Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Inclusão digital: perfil dos usuários do Telecentro de Sobradinho, RS
Redin, Clelia Regina
This monograph concerns analyze the profile of the users of Telecenter in Sobradinho of digital inclusion, it makes literature revision, concepts, items that concerns the issue, it shows the difference visions about digital inclusion and exclusion, perceive the politic and public digital inclusion in Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the town of Sobradinho, RS. The users were analyzed users during the month of September 2010, with the aim of describing and qualify the users of Telecenter in Sobradinho. The data were collected in the Users Register of Book and complemented through the questionnaire. The issues studied were: sex, age, school/institution where study, year, series, course, local where live, domiciliary internet, income familiar, and what accessed in internet in visit in Telecenter. It was intended knowing “what was the profile of the users in Telecenter in Sobradinho of digital inclusion, located in “Casa da Cultura”, in town of Sobradinho, RS. It was identified that the users in most part are young students in fundamental schools and in state area, and the age were among twelve and fourteen years old, came of the poorest slams of the town, mostly masculine sex. With a familiar income about three minimum salary, without access of internet. They use the telecenter to school research, entertainment and leisure, relationship and personal communication. It concluded that there is a necessity to offer public politics of digital inclusion in slams and schools in inversed turn of school, helping these young students in research and relation sites.