Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Consumo sustentável: uma ação de educação ambiental no Colégio Militar de Santa Maria
Bervig, Aline Andressa
This paper work seeks to contribute to the quality of environmental education classes taught at Military College of Santa Maria (CMSM), located in Santa Maria city of Rio Grande do Sul. The main objective is to analyze the consumption patterns of students of education elementary of the 9 th grade and high school in 3rd grade, seeking to achieve sustainable consumption, with the decrease in production of solid waste. It worked with the concept of Sustainable Development tied to sustainable consumption, to solid waste and garbage. Through the research instrument, a questionnaire containing 10 open and closed questions, reading the previous issues guiding this work and data tabulation, was found a little knowledge of the students about these issues. The garbage issue was better understood by them, while it was lesser or neither the knowledge of Development and Sustainable Consumption. The has study
demonstrated the need to work harder these issues, to alleviate this serious environmental problem, the currently unsustainable consumption. And also, through the Environmental Education, to encourage good practices of consumption and sustainable development, aiming to advance the solution of the equation of sustainability.