ClinicSpace: modelagem de uma ferramenta-piloto para definição de tarefas clínicas em um ambiente de computação baseada em tarefas e direcionada ao usuário final
2009-07-03Registro en:
SILVA, Fábio Lorenzi da. ClinicSpace: MODELING OF A PROTOTYPE TOOL TO DEFINITION OF CLINICAL TASKS IN A TASK-DRIVEN AND USER-CENTER COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT. 2009. 94 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2009.
Silva, Fábio Lorenzi da
Ubiquitous computing foresees the support to human activities in the most possible integrated environment known by the professional. On this perspective, a major area of its application is the Health System as the health of the future provides the use of ubiquitous computing as a way to automate and optimize the clinical activities. Addressing the problem of rejection of computer systems
in health due to the remoteness of the way clinicians perform their tasks, the project "ClinicSpace" proposes a prototype of a tool that enables clinicians to customize and better manage their daily tasks. One of the big challenges is how to model human activities in computer systems, respecting the way that each individual performs them. This way, the contribution of this work is to propose a modeling of the main tasks performed in the clinical hospital settings by clinical professionals with the way that each individual performs the work. Once created the task, the medical professionals can reuse them for the definition and creation of other tasks they may judge necessary. An architecture manages the tasks
in the most automatic way possible to undermine the control that the owner must maintain to the environment. Thus, it is expected to reduce the degree of rejection found in computerized systems of hospitals and clinics. The interface developed uses mechanisms provided by the End-user programming to facilitate the use of the clinical professional and Task-driven Computing. Case studies
were simulated to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal. Field tests may only be made after the
release of the prototype of the architecture of the management and execution of tasks; however, this
work is outside the scope of this dissertation.