ELAI: intelligent agent adaptive to the level of expertise of students
Herpich, Fabrício
The use of intelligent agents aware of the individual characteristics and context of students,
allows us to offer a suitable support to the real requirements. Allied to this, the implementation
of these agents in the three-dimensional immersive virtual environments (3D),
tend to transcend the existing potential in the interactions with the learning objects it contains
and also to expand the alternatives of building the students’ knowledge. In this way, throughout
this paper it will be presented the development of intelligent agent called The Intelligent
Agent adaptive to the Level of Expertise of Students, by using the Non Player Character (NPC)
strategy existing on the virtual world platform OpenSimulator. The ELAI provides support for
teaching Computer Networking, being sensitive to the context of learners, regarding to their
level of knowledge (expertise). In order to maximize the flexibility of interactions between the
student, through the student’s avatar and the NPC, an interconnection of this agent with a chatterbot
was established, whose knowledge base was increased by classes in AIML inherent to
the topic of Computer Networks. As a result, tests were conducted with students of the Federal
University of Santa Maria, participating students of undergraduate programs in Computer Science,
Information Systems, and Post-Graduate in Computer Science at Masters Level, where
they were instructed to follow an Educational journey in order to maintain a uniform investigation.
Later, the students were conducted to answer three questionnaires, namely: the System
Usability Scale (SUS), which received the usability of intelligent agent implemented in immersive
virtual environment; in the second evaluation, it was used the intelligent agents criteria;
and in the third evaluation it was asked to students in general about the intelligent agent and
the adjustments provided for it. The results obtained during the evaluations show that the intelligent
agent ELAI met to the expectations of the evaluators, analyzing that it was acquired the
classification of "73.04" the in SUS usability testing range, which it is equivalent of "Good" in
the classification and average score method. In the other two questionnaires it was administered
the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to estimate reliability of students’ responses, which obtained
the value of "1.08" in the first questionnaire and the second the value of "1.06", resulting to
"Excellent" in the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient ranking.