Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O papel do gestor em saúde no envelhecimento ativo
Chaves, Juliano César
The objective of this paper is to reflect on the health manager's role in active aging in order to
promote the necessary resources to maintain the quality of health services for the elderly.
Contrary to common belief, aging is a gain and a "trump card" of the twentieth-century
society, so to take old age as a new phase of discovery, you can see the old man as a source of
fundraising and no costs. It must be well grounded technically and know the specifics in the
health disease in the elderly. So the existence of commitment, attention, focus and
interdisciplinarity in the training of professionals as well as its performance and continuity of
expertise with institutional and government support, should advocate respect for the aging.
The health manager in the sense of active aging, enter with the task of acting in all technical
and administrative spheres, including the dimensions of micromanegement, and medium,
macro-manegement, in a peculiar way to each. It is concluded that the quality of care, policy
implementation, health practices, etc., constantly pass through the hands of the manager and it
is through him that has the responsibility for the execution of policies that envisage active
aging. A qualified management committed to active aging could consist in improving the
quality of life of older people and aging process. Strengthening activities in all aspects of
management can substantially improve the quality of care of the elderly population.