Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A matemática na conta de energia elétrica um estudo sobre gráficos e função afim aplicado no ensino médio
Trevisan, Marlon Cantarelli
In this paper we report the development and implementation of a project in a first
year high school class in a private school in the city of Santa Maira - RS. In this
project, we approach the study of affine function and the construction, reading and
analysis of graphs and charts related to the electric bill. We develop with the students
an approximation of the afim function to generate the amount to be paid in the
electricity bill, with the variable consumption in KWh of a particular residence. Then
we build in such a function chart, analyzing its domain, codomain and image. From
there, we develop graphs and tables relating the consumption of each device with the
amount to be paid into the account, developing a sense of ecological and sustainable
energy economy. Finally, each student estimated the monthly cost of your home for a
month, taking into account the main electronics used.