Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A relação entre gordura abdominal, saúde e exercícios físicos em idosas
Costa, Vera Regina Pontrémoli
This study had as objective to characterize the relation between abdominal fat health and physical exercises in aged in event that congregates a thousand aged ones approximately and occurs annually in the city of Santa Maria/RS/Brasil 127 women with ages between 60 and 86 years divided in two groups had participated considering: Not Practicing practitioners and of Physical Exercises. With relation to the years band the groups in 3 sub-groups had been also divided (60/69 years), (70/79 years) e (above of 80 years). High taxes of % of fat had been identified. It was questioned on current and previous arterial pressure in anamnese, being that in the Practitioners more it was raised previously in 70% while in the Not Practicing ones if always kept equal as its answers. It had consensus, after analysis of data, to be the hipertension the pathology more related by the group in itself and familiar antecedents, having significant, however not concluding differences to affirm to be directly proportional the physical exercise to the reduction of the total values of the arterial pressure. Longitudinal studies would only allow verifying if the joined associations would be causal factors. It is suggested to evaluate if the physical activity can be differentiated of other protective behaviors in relation to the deposition of abdominal fat and its consequences in the health of aged.