dc.contributorMoura, Gilnei Luiz de
dc.contributorTrevisan, Marcelo
dc.contributorWegner, Douglas
dc.creatorCunha, Daniele Estivalete
dc.identifierCUNHA, Daniele Estivalete. Organizational values on strategic behavior of companies in the hotel industry of the tourist area of Hortênsias/RS. 2015. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
dc.description.abstractThis work was developed in order to analyze the influence of organizational values on strategic behavior of companies in the hotel industry of the tourist area of Hortênsias / RS, in the perception of managers. The approach that characterized research study´s methodology is quantitative, for data collected were used questionnaires in survey research. The participants were 67 managers, who answered a questionnaire based on the Inventory of Organizational Values Profile by Oliveira and Tamayo (2004) and the Assessment Instrument of Strategic Behavior by Conant, Mokwa and Varadarajan (1990) based on Miles and Snow (1978). Data were analyzed with the help of SPSS software to perform statistical tests. The main findings state that the priority organizational values were Concern with the Community and Compliance while organizational values Domain and Welfare, occupied lower places in the hierarchy. In relation to strategic behavior, we could identify the prevalence of Defender and Analytical behavior. However, the two strategic behaviors less present in the studied companies were Reactor and the Prospector. Also, it was identified that the factors Autonomy, Welfare, Conformity, Domain, Prestige and Achievement influence on the strategic behavior. Organizational values Concern with the Community and Tradition do not have any influence on the strategic behavior. Thus, it was identified that two obstacles must be overcome, reducing the number of reactors companies and the generation of competitive advantage by adapting the welfare value to the organization's values, thus seeking competitive advantage through the implementation of a Analytical strategic behavior.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectValores organizacionais
dc.subjectComportamento estratégico
dc.subjectSetor hoteleiro
dc.subjectOrganizational values
dc.subjectStrategic behavior
dc.subjectHotel industry
dc.titleValores organizacionais e comportamento estratégico no setor hoteleiro da região turística das Hortênsias/RS

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