Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Análise de variância multivariada aplicada a dados com medidas repetidas
Couto, Mara Rubia Machado
In some situations, in the process of analysis of data, the interest exists to analyze
the performance of some variable jointly, and to determine the influence or the
importance of each changeable in presence of excessively. For this, the techniques
of multivariate analysis are used. When, in particular, this interest is in identifying to
the existence of effect between treatments and/or conditions of evaluation and, to
verify the existence of interaction between these factors; the job of an analysis of
multivariate variance is appropriate, or still, an analysis of profiles of averages; that
are methods multivariate applied in the analysis of data with repeated measures and
longitudinal data. The present work has for objective to develop a material of
theoretician-practical support for all those that will have interest in applying the
techniques above cited. For its development an ample revision of literature was
carried through that congregated the main aspects of these methodologies. After this
revision, developed some instructions on the necessary operational procedures for
the execution of these techniques in Statistica software. With this work, one provided
the users to it of statistical techniques, a basic referencial on the use and applications
of the multivariate analysis, particularly, the techniques of multivariate analysis of
variance and analysis of profiles of averages.