Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O uso dos softwares educacionais como auxílio no processo de ensino-aprendizagem da ortografia no 5º ano do ensino fundamental
Cocco, Vanderléa Maria
This article presents the results obtained from the application of educational softwares in classroom
with the students of the 5th year of Elementary Teaching School Priest João Zanella, Nova Palma
Town, Rs. In the opportunity are presented some reflexions about the contributions of the use of
softwares to the learning of the referred students. The aim is to promote a discussion and evaluate how
the educational softwares can contribute in the teaching-learning process of the orthography of the
students of the 5th year. The methodology used was the research-action, with the aim to verify the
possibility of use of the educational softwares to contribute to the teaching-learning process of the
content of orthography in the classes of Portuguese. The main conclusion is that one of the softwares
applied did not contribute to the improvement of the students` learning of the age between 10 and 13
years, although it provides immediate error and rightness of the studied orthography. Moreover, we
noticed that the ideal use of the educational softwares in the learning-teaching requires the analysis of
some criteria so that we can achieve success in the proposed activity.