Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Lesões de borda de pregas vocais e tempos máximos de fonação
Beber, Bárbara Costa
The evaluation of the Maximum Phonation Times (MPT) verifies the control
over the aerodynamic lung forces and the mioelastic laryngeal forces. Lesions on the
edge of vocal folds may impair the glottal closing, thus altering the values of vocal
sustaining. This study had, as a general aim, to verify the existence of any relation
between cases with otorhinolaryngeal diagnosis for vocal folds edge lesion and their
MPT. It was also intended to verify and correlate the frequency of kinds of MPT and
vocal folds pathologies among individuals with mature and immature vocal folds, and
between sexes. So, records from the project “Data bank of patients with voice
complaints assisted at the Speech and Language Assisting Service of UFSM” of
patients who had an otorhinolaryngeal diagnosis of vocal folds edge pathology were
selected. From the total of 152 records, 60 were of vocal cyst, polypus, or nodules,
and from these, 54 passed inclusion criteria, being 8 cases of vocal cyst and 46 of
vocal fold nodules. It was verified that the most frequent vocal folds edge lesion in
adults and children was the vocal fold nodules, followed by the vocal cysts; that the
nodules occur more frequently in adult women and male children; that the cysts occur
more frequently in females, either adults and children; and that the vocal folds lesions
tend to cause a reduction of the MPT of immature vocal folds of both sexes and a
reduction of the MPT of mature vocal folds of females. It was concluded that the
vocal cord lesions, for making proper glottal closing difficult, cause a reduction of the
MPT values.