Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Perspectiva educativa da produção de curtas-metragem em aulas de Literatura
Hennig, Neusa Elisabete Carvalho
This article presents a study about the educational dimension of short films production during Literature classes, its implications to the teaching and learning process, possibilities and limitations. At the beginning occurred an implementation of the activity with the students, during second semester of 2009, with three second grade groups of high school of E. E. E. B. Profa. Margarida Lopes (Santa Maria - RS). Such activity, using media in the learning process, started with the reading and discussion of literary books: A Moreninha, O Guarani, Memórias de um sargento de milícias, Dom Casmurro, Luzia Homem and O cortiço, which the candidates to the University Access Selection Program (PEIES/UFSM) are required to read. At the end, the students produced ten short films. To do the study, reports and questionnaires answered by them about their learning experience were collected, making use of documentary research procedures and content analysis. According to the obtained results, the subjects approved this methodology because they acquired Literature knowledge and also developed wider abilities and skills in general required for people to live in society in a fair, productive and autonomous way. So, teachers of any area can use this methodology. As conclusion, this work hopes to bring contributions to teachers of Literature and other areas to adopt technology devices (video, in this case) for teaching purposes.