Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise da dinâmica das exportações de máquinas e implementos agrícolas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul (2003-2012)
Silva, Eliar Marieli da
This monograph aims to analyze the evolution of agricultural machinery exports from
Rio Grande do Sul (RS) between 2003 and 2012, in order to identify the influential
ones about their behavior. The research is characterized as descriptive and
qualitative-quantitative. Secondary data provided by the Ministry of Development,
Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC) and the Foundation of Economy and Statistics of
Rio Grande do Sul (FEE) were evaluated. The variables selected for analysis were:
a) the quantity of tractors, machinery and equipment for agriculture exported by the
state of Rio Grande do Sul; b) proportion of the destination countries of the exports
and the relation with the other exporting states of Brazil; c) representation of the
agricultural machinery sector in the total international trade of the state for the year
2003 to 2012. The state of Rio Grande do Sul is the fifth largest exporting state of
Brazilian products, with agricultural machinery accounting for 8% commercialized.
The results showed that the volume of exports shows cycles of expansion and
retraction in short periods of time, in order to reflect the external market conditions
and being one of the conditions of the acceleration / deceleration of the Brazilian
domestic market. In 2008 and 2009, there were more significant declines both in
exports and in the production of the sector, due to the world crisis, which began after
a financial crisis in the United States, which in these years were the main buyers of
the state and of the parents. During the analyzed period, the main trading partners in
the market for machinery and equipment for agriculture in Rio Grande do Sul are the
USA, Argentina and China. The RS presents an export trend for emerging or
developing countries that have intensified rural activity. Therefore, it has revealed
advantages for commercialization through the application of the Regional Guidance
Indices and Revealed Comparative Advantages.