Organização do espaço rural de Pinhal Grande - RS: potencialidades e desafios da agricultura familiar
Dallanôra, Ivani Belenice
This research has its relevance once it analyzes the organization of the activities developed
in the rural area, its modernization process and the reflexes of rural spatial organization in
the productive dynamics of family agriculture as well as in the socioeconomic conditions of
the population. Its general objective is to analyze the process of organization and/or
reorganization of the rural area of Pinhal Grande, as well as to identify the potentialities and
challenges of family agriculture in the municipality, in the time scale from 1993 to 2017.
Specifically, it was intended to) evaluate the spatial, technical and socioeconomic
transformations that occurred in the rural area of the municipality from 1993 to 2017; (b) to
spatialize, by regionalization process, the productive matrix of the rural space, relating its
organization to the development of family properties; (c) to identify the participation of family
agriculture in the development of the local/regional economy, knowing the productive
potential offered by family farms and the challenges encountered to develop; (d) to identify
the causes responsible for the migratory processes of this area of study and to know the
public policies aimed at the development of the rural space and the socio-spatial organization
of family agriculture. This research was developed based on the criteria used to identify its
importance in the scientific production process. Therefore, it is classified as a descriptive,
data collection, laboratory and bibliographic research. Firstly, the theoretical framework was
elaborated to learn about the subject to be analyzed. In a second moment, the data were
collected together with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) referring to
the 1995, 2006, and 1993, 1998, 2003, 2011 and 2015 agricultural and livestock census, with
the objective of analyzing the organization of the (FEPAGRO), the Special Secretariat for
Family Agriculture and Agrarian Development (SEAD), and the Central Bank of Brazil, in
order to identify the responsible public policies development of family properties. In a third
moment, interviews with representatives of public bodies (EMATER, Rural Workers' Union
and Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce) were carried out to identify
the contribution of these bodies in the process of diversification and development of
productive activities in rural areas. Finally, the research instrument was applied through
questionnaires, containing open and closed questions addressed to family farmers, in order
to verify the current organization of the rural area of the municipality and the potentialities
and challenges of family agriculture. Once the research was carried out, the data collected
were analyzed, and these were disseminated through textual production, including graphics,
tables, maps and photos. In this context, it can be concluded that the family agriculture of
Pinhal Grande presents itself in a contradictory way, marked by dynamic spaces where
commercial crops predominate, such as soybeans and productive potential that, through the
introduction of new activities, diversify production, adding income and boosting the family
ownership. On the other hand, it is possible to visualize a family agriculture dependent on the
production of traditional products (tobacco, corn and beans) that currently "tries" to keep the
family farmer in the rural space.