dc.contributorSilveira, Ada Cristina Machado
dc.contributorWeber, Andréa Franciele
dc.contributorFlores, Natália Martins
dc.creatorAlmeida, Maria Liz Benitez
dc.description.abstractThis research investigates a sense production about "Brasiguayo" in Paraguayan journalism. The neologism "Brasiguaio" (in Portuguese) refers to the Brazilian migrants who, from the 1950s, moved to Paraguay encouraged by government policies aimed at attracting farmers to a modernization of agriculture. The question of research problem is to ask: what are the productions of meanings about the "Brasiguayos" (in Spanish) in the stories and in the comments of Última Hora diary? The general objective proposes to analyze which are the senses produced by weaving the construction of / about on the "Brasiguayo" in the stories and in the comments of Última Hora, based on the positions of the discoursive subject. Specific objectives are: i) to verify which are the Discursive Formations (FDs) established from the knowledge established by the subject-form; Ii) understand the productions of senses about on the "Brasiguayo" in the subjects and in the comments; Iii) to analyze the discursive places that the subjects occupy in the defense of the national identity. The research is anchored in Discourse Analysis (DA), an interdisciplinary area, whose studies are focused on the discursive productions and is based on the approach developed by Michel Pêcheux, studied in the Brazilian context by Eni Orlandi. From DA, we deal with the notions of interdiscursivity, intersubjectivity, conditions of discourse production and discursive formations to understand and analyze the production of meanings based on the stories and comments of the newspaper “Última Hora” from Paraguay. Understanding that discourse is opaque and full of meaning possibilities recognizing that it is linked to subjects, ideology, and socio-historical aspects, which condition to the speech. Our corpus is conformed by 278 Discursive Sequences (DS), seized in the period between January 1 and December 31, 2014, of which five Discursive Formations (DF) were identified. In DF 1, we find that the discourse of the subject journalist and the reader are crossed by the memories of the Triple Alliance war, the bilateral relations between Paraguay and Brazil and updates nationalist feelings. In DF 2, we find that the discursive subject seeks to classify the identity "Brasiguaya", getting away from what is hybrid, ambivalent, as neologism itself denotes. In DF 3, builds up the sense of what would be the solution to the struggle of what is different, unclassifiable, of the Other, of the deviant, and which must be banished from Paraguayan society. In DF 4, the "Brasiguayo" is seen as a victim of Paraguayan institutions and social movements, it is a different emergent meaning that questions the knowledge instituted in DF's 1, 2 and 3. Also, DF5 builds up a dichotomous sense between the "Brasiguayo" and the Paraguayan, which places the former as a worker and the latter as lazy, with little aptitude for work. This knowledge is produced by the subject "Brasiguayo" and by the Paraguayan subject. Such senses are based on ideological formations that overlap the identity of the Western matrix to the identity of the Indigenous matrix, producing opinions about the Paraguayan culture. Finally, we find that the Guarani language (the second Paraguayan official language), is used only by newspaper readers, and its use is neglected in the productions of analyzed subjects. The use of the Guarani language is mainly for the defense of national sovereignty, as well as for the defense of a homogeneous identity.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
dc.subjectAnálise do discurso
dc.subjectProdução de sentidos
dc.subjectDiscourse analysis
dc.subjectSense production
dc.titleA produção de sentidos sobre o “brasiguayo” na mídia paraguaia: uma análise das matérias e dos comentários do jornal última hora

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