dc.contributorLopes, Luis Felipe Dias
dc.creatorBilibio, Gabriela Lunardi
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work is to compare the harmonic (present) and arithmetic (proposal) average of the classified applicants and the understudies at UFSM main courses in 2003 and 2004. It was done through statistics techniques adequate for the information. It was previously selected ten courses (five competed ones and five of middling competition). It was possible to observe a high and significant correlation (r = 0,98993 / 2003) and (r = 0,99252 / 2004) (p = 0,0001) between the candidates’ average. It was also possible to observe an excellent degree of concurrence between the harmonic and arithmetic average of the classified candidates and understudies. It means that four hundred ninety nine approved candidates in the selected courses of vestibular 2003, only twenty-two candidates had their positions changed with the approved and understudies; ten candidates had a high elevation in their arithmetic average (more than fifteen positions). In 2004, there were four hundred seventy eight approved candidates and only seventeen ones changed their positions between the approved and understudies; and only three had a high elevation of position (more than or equal to fifteen positions). In these cases, the candidates’ position variation occurred because the arithmetic average does not consider the individualized score for subject. It means that the related candidates had a low score in two subjects at least, that were compensated for the high score in the other ones. Because of that the arithmetic average has a high difference in relation to the harmonic one in these cases.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exatas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMédia harmônica
dc.subjectMédia aritmética
dc.titleAnálise comparativa dos resultados classificatórios dos vestibulandos 2003 e 2004 da UFSM pelas médias harmônica e aritmética
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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