dc.contributorBorges, Zulmira Newlands
dc.creatorLopes, Isabel Idoraque
dc.description.abstractThe present work search analyze from a bibliographic revision of intentional reports, such as the report of UNESCO,WHO and the United Nations, which are the cultural significances of female genital mutilation practice. The reports discuss the issue from the human rights of women in countries dominated by the practice of female genital mutilation and counting on the contribution of the essential principles of the right to freedom (individual and religious) foreseen in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, especially in Guinea Bissau located on the African continent. I present data from other countries to contribute to the illustration of the specific case of Human Rights. The cultural practice of female genital mutilation occurs in 28 African countries. It is discussed in this work, the incompatibility of these practices with the system of values and rights proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. After the approach of these points, it called for the need to preserve the right to individual liberty at the expense of freedom of conduct (including religious freedom).
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectMutilação genital feminina
dc.subjectDireitos humanos
dc.subjectPrática cultural
dc.subjectDireito à liberdade
dc.subjectFemale genital mutilation
dc.subjectHuman rights
dc.subjectCultural practice
dc.subjectThe right to freedom
dc.titleAnálise das práticas de mutilação genital feminina em Guiné-Bissau e sua implicação nos direitos humanos e culturais
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação

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