Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O uso dos mapas conceituais na aprendizagem de ciências
Mattos, Flávia Hitomi Takei de
The aim of this paper is to use conceptual maps in sciences, with the help of TICs, where fifth graders effectively make conceptual maps in order to transform their study in a real learning process. This new approach has initially caused some resistance, doubts and fear while trying to relate the concepts of sciences with the making and distribution of conceptual maps. While the students were invited to work with the concepts of the Cmap tools program, they also started improving the making of conceptual maps, with good explanations and distribution and use of colors. This work enabled the learning of sciences, improving students concentration, interpretation
and in the results of their evaluation. The information stored in the cognitive region of the students were stimulated through the elaboration of conceptual maps, and improving the comprehension of the contents taught in class.