Digitalização de documentos: implicações no acesso às informações arquivísticas
2013-10-11Registro en:
INFORMATION ARCHIVAL. 2013. 181 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Schäfer, Murilo Billig
The digitization of archival documents has become a common activity in Federal
Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) in Brazil, justified by the need for flexible access to
archival information, elements that serve as an aid in the performance of administrative
activities and for making decision. Moreover, when it comes to historical collections and
culturally relevant, scanning enables researchers and stakeholders access to information which
reconstruct the trajectory of a given organization or local, affecting the diffusion of
documentary heritage. Given this, studies are needed to define parameters that enable the
digital capture achieving the objectives for which the digital surrogate were created, in the
specific case of this research, the purpose of access to information. Thus, the aim of this study
was to investigate and recommend specifications (resolution, file formats, color depth)
focused on the process of scanning documents from the Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul
(UFFS) seeking access to archival information. The specific objectives guided into: point out
the implications of digitization for access to archival information that constitutes its
documentary heritage; present the legal aspects that involve scanning documents in the
Brazilian context, identify archival documents scanned by examining the use of
representatives digital result of this process, as well as find out if there are tools (manuals,
guides, recommendations, etc..) that provide guidance on the process of scanning, analyzing
the specifications adopted in scanning according to the purpose of access to information, and
make recommendations focused on the process of scanning documents with the purpose of
access to information. Given the above objectives, we performed the analysis of the context of
document scanning in UFFS, evaluating the specifications adopted in accordance with the
purpose of access to information. It was concluded that digital capture adopted in the
institution facilitates access to information, but it presents the possibility of adjustments that
would result in better management of digital surrogate over time. Thus Recommendations
were prepared for Scanning Documents: Purpose Access to archival information, which
contains guidelines aimed at digital capture of documents UFFS. Although these
recommendations are directed to the context of the institution, can serve as a reference for
other digitization projects that have implications for the access and preservation of archival