Emprego de diferentes fontes de amido como fonte exógena de carbono em bioprodutos microalgais
2016-03-07Registro en:
SANTOS, Aline Meireles dos. Employment of different starch sources as an exogenous source of organic carbon in microalgae bioproducts. 2016. 61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2016.
Santos, Aline Meireles dos
The microalgae are a potential source of biomolecules of commercial interest due to
its diverse metabolic profile able to synthesize different classes of organic
compounds. The gender Aphanothece microscopica Nägeli is a cyanobacterium with
growth capacity in heterotrophic cultivation by adding a source of exogenous carbon.
Aiming at the possibility of valuation of products generated in heterotrophic
bioreactors, this study had as objective the intensification of microalgae processes
supported in starch as an exogenous carbon source. In the first stage we were
evaluated cassava starch and corn starch as exogenous carbon sources at different
absolute amounts of carbon and nitrogen, at a fixed ratio of 20, for use in
heterotrophic cultivation. The C/N ratio of 5000/250 using cassava starch presented
itself as the ideal condition of the process, resulting in cellular yield of 18.16 mg/L/h
and removal efficiency of organic matter from 83.57% in a smaller generation time of
14.25 h. The second stage focused on the effect of agitation speeds of 0, 100, 200
and 300 RPM in the composition of the biomass and the quality of biodiesel
produced from a C/N ratio of 5000/250. The stirring speed of 200 RPM showed the
best composition biomass, resulting in efficient cellular productivities resulting in
efficient cellular productivities (36.27 mg/L/h), organic carbon and nitrogen removal
efficiency (94.87% and 84.40%, respectively) and lipid yield (3.31 mg/L/h). The
composition of this oil is predominantly saturated and monounsaturated, appropriate
for biodiesel synthesis (ester content of 76%, cetane number of 64.36, iodine value of
70.38 gI2 100g-1, degree of unsaturation of 71%, saponification value of 161.01, longchain
saturated factor of 3.5%, cold filter plugging point at 5.48°C, cloud point at
5.53°C, allylic position equivalents of 52, bis-allylic position equivalents of 19,
oxidation stability of 14.38 h, higher heating value of 30.7, kinematic viscosity of 1.02
mm² s-1 and kinematic density of 0.68 g cm-3).