Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão de sala de aula: os projetos temáticos como possibilidade de trabalho para educandos jovens e adultos dizerem sua palavra
Oliveira, Luiz Renato de
This research emerged in the dialogue with teachers of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) who felt the need to deepen their studies in order to plan the classes so that they were meaningful for students. It is in dialogue with everyone involved in teaching / learning that managers and students are democratically making decisions and sharing knowledge. Knowledge extremely necessary for emancipatory practice and autonomy in the school environment. It is necessary, then, to create spaces for the participation of all in the school and that managers and students can exercise democracy, giving opinions, doubting, questioning and intervening in learning, arousing curiosity. In this perspective, the alternative of working with Projects can mobilize the learner, rescuing in him the joy of being in school, because it is in the school space mainly in the classroom, where manager and student can contribute to the critical development, getting involved in work together, participating in the dialogues in an attempt to find solutions to a more just, fraternal and more humane society. Thus, in order to delimit the theoretical references that went together in this bibliographical research, the works of Paulo Freire were used, which helped to understand the EJA and the works of Hernandes and Ventura on the Pedagogy of Projects, establishing dialogue with other authors in the field of education in general, EJA and Educational and School Management. In this context I present in this study the Thematic Projects as a work possibility for classroom management with EJA students, where everyone can be involved in the construction and elaboration of the knowledge. Knowledge that needs to be reviewed daily, constructed and reconstructed according to the reality of the students, based on their opinions and interests.