Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Políticas educacionais: uma proposta de gestão diferenciada das escolas indígenas da Reserva da Serrinha
Carpenedo, Vera Danair
The present monograph is a study on Educational the Public Politics of the reserve of the retaken Serrinha from the recent one of lands for the Kaingang indians. The focus of the research articulates the relation of the indians with the education developed in the reserve since the inoccupation of the colonists until the retaken one of lands for the indians. One initiates with a historical reflection on the hegemonic rescue of the conflicts between the Whites and Indians until arriving at an educational suggestion of proposal differentiated for the aboriginal reserve of the Serrinha. Proposal this that considers a referring reflection to the educational politics and its action by means of the reality lived in classroom for the professors of the reserve, the end to provide to an education of quality aiming at a democratic and participativa management of the aboriginal education. The methodology used account with a theoretical basement on the subject, beyond the use of secondary sources as half-directive interviews and stories of history of lives with aboriginal, managing indians, professors, leaderships educational, information and documents of governmental bodies and the involved pertaining to school institutions in the resolution of the problem of the reserve of the Serrinha. Still, as complementation of the research, will be used the technique of daily of field. As conclusion I wait that this study it can point probable subsidies with respect to the implementations of public politics that aim at the guarantee of the right the cultural differences of the people kaigangue, for the elaboration of the resumes of the aboriginal schools, for the formation of educators contributing to exert the management right the school specifies thought for them.