Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O plano municipal de educação e sua relação com a continuidade/descontinuidade da gestão educacional democrática
Mattes, Denise Goldmeier
It presents a research on the influence of the municipal plan of education in view of the pedagogical practices developed in the schools. So that is based on the perspective of the management team in relation to the changes of the members of this in the municipal secretariat of education. The objective of the study was to verify if, in the perception of the management team, the municipal education plan contributes to a continuity of the pedagogical practices developed in the municipal school network, considering the changes of the management team. The research is characterized as qualitative, having as steps: bibliographic survey, production data with five members of the current management team of the municipal education department, data analysis and writing of the final text. For the production of data, semi structured interviews were carried out with the professionals who were later transcribed. In the data analysis different points of view were confronted next to the theoretical reference studied. The final work is structured in the following chapters: "Methodological Procedures", "School Management: from theory to the perspective of the management team", "Municipal Education Plan: alternative to promote greater continuity in education" and "Conclusion".