Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Conselho escolar: instrumento para melhoria da qualidade da educação escolar - uma experiência em Fortaleza
Nascimento, Regina Stella Pereira do
The formation of the School Council - Conselho Escolar – in all public schools is a
condition required to enable the school to receive financial resources, once the
Council has the prerogative to manage, to deliberate about priorities and to
administrate such resources, which warrants its own existence. However, this is
not sufficient to comply with the legal requirements. Therefore, it is to be ensured
the full exercise of its other functions: consultative, deliberative, normative and
evaluative. This essay intends to report the experience developed by the author with
the School Councils circumscribed to the area of Secretaria Executiva Regional I,
of the administration of the Municipality of Fortaleza, to share methods, mechanisms
and instruments which may contribute for the adequate functioning of School Councils,
for the efficient and efficacious accomplishment of their purposes. Because of the
characteristics of this essay it was made the option by the qualitative approach and it
has been used the direct observation and the questionnaire as the most appropriate
techniques to the data collection. In the evaluation of the experience it has been
outlined the advances and identified difficulties which may be overcome. It has been
concluded that School Council- Conselho Escolar- is an essential instrument to
propitiate the conscious participation of all segments which comprise the school, to
enlarge and to intensify the internal and external relations, and to promote the
democratization of the school management, as well as improvement of the quality of
services rendered by the school and to facilitate the participation of teachers, staff,
students and their parents in the school routine.