Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
O consumo colaborativo na contemporaneidade: um estudo sobre a fanpage Consumo Colaborativo CC – Brasil
Azevedo, Diego Gabbi
The research addresses the practices of existing collaborative consumption, empowered by the Internet, studied here from the fanpage Consumo Colaborativo CC – Brasil - Facebook. For this, we propose a discussion about the prospects of the collaborative consumption system (BOSTMAN; ROGERS, 2011), especially with the emphasis on "transformation" that the internet and digital platforms brought to the redefinition of values, customs and new way relate people in recent years. Thus, the role of the internet nowadays, can be seen as an aggravator of social interactions, facilitating interaction and everyday people as well as promoting more sustainable practices. In order to understand the Internet as the driving force behind development of Collaborative Consumption, through actions, changes in habits and taking as a means experiences mediated by digital platforms, resulting in improved quality of life and gains in daily life.Thus, we articulate the methods of the case study, conceptualized by Yin (2001) and content analysis (Bardin, 2011) to identify the values and issues about collaborative consumption ruled in posts on fanpage analyzed. From the study, as a result, it was possible to produce a framework of collaborative consumption in Brazil, in addition to dialogue with the theory discussed, launches values of common good promoted by collaborative consumption.