Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Viabilidade da utilização de um banco de baterias para a melhora do fator de carga
Refosco, Victor Roatt
This work focuses on the improvement of the load factor through the use of a battery energy storage system (BESS). A typical distribution system has residential, commercial and industrial loads, with their respective demand profiles, which specify consumption during the day. Because the utility needs to feed its customers at all hours of the day, its system needs to be dimensioned for peak consumption in order to provide enough electricity for all consumers. In this way, the installed capacity of the system is much higher when compared to the daily consumption, reducing the load factor. The load factor is an indicator of the consumption of electric energy, analyzing if its use is rational and economic, from the ratio between average demand and maximum demand. Thus, it is proposed to use a BESS to control the demand curve, by leveling the load, balancing generation and consumption. For the analysis of the BESS impacts on the demand curve, two test systems were evaluated, a basic system and the IEEE 13-bus Feeder for simulation of a typical distribution system. The performance of the implementation of a BESS in the proposed cases was positive. In both, the BESS was charged at times when consumption was low and discharged when it was higher. This provided a greater uniformity of the demand curve of the transformer responsible for the feed of the loads, increasing the load factor. At the end of the tests it was noticed that the use of a BESS for the improvement of the load factor is technically feasible.