dc.contributorGarcia, Isabel Krey
dc.contributorSauerwein, Inés Prieto Schmidt
dc.creatorCalheiro, Lisiane Barcellos
dc.identifierCALHEIRO, Lisiane Barcellos. INCLUSION OF TOPICS OF PHYSICS PARTICLES INTEGRATED TO THE SUBJECTS TRADITIONALLY STUDIED AT HIGH SCHOOL. 2014. 188 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2014.
dc.description.abstractIt is presented in this work a study about the inclusion of topics of physics of particles integrated to the traditionally subjects studied on high school. It is also presented a proposal of how these contents can be used, and the contribution of this practice on the occurrence of a meaningful learning. The survey consists in the development, implementation and evaluation of two Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units - PMTU, which are didactic sequences grounded in theories of learning that foster students to meaningful learning. The survey was implemented in a third grade high school class in a State School of Santa Maria, RS. In the first PMTU, developed in the second quarter of 2013, it was addressed concepts of elementary particle and electricity. Didactic sequences that began with the study of atomic models integrating the topics of elementary particles, electrical charge, quantization and electrification processes were applied. In the second PMTU, applied in the third quarter of 2013, the focus approached had as premise to study the Fundamental Interactions from the idea on field, integrating them to the contents of electric and magnetic fields. Such integration aims to stimulate interest on topics related to Modern and Contemporary Physics, which are related to students daily life. It was developed through the PMTU activities aiming to promote meaningful learning and knowledge construction in the classroom, since elements involved are complex, which makes their integration a challenge for the high school teacher, resulting in changes in their teaching practices. The research showed that the inclusion of topics of physics of integrated particles into the contents of electricity and magnetism, through potentially meaningful teaching units, showed satisfactory results in student learning, results verified by qualitative assessment of the activities undertaken during the year. The analysis of the results obtained with the conceptual maps and questionnaires answered in the first PMTU showed signs of meaningful learning.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCiências Biológicas
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação em Ciências: Química da Vida e Saúde
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectFísica de partícula
dc.subjectAprendizagem significativa
dc.subjectUnidade de ensino potencialmente significativa (UEPS)
dc.subjectParticle of physics
dc.subjectMeaningful learning
dc.subjectPotentially Meaningful Teaching Units (PMTU)
dc.titleInserção de tópicos de física partículas de forma integrada aos conteúdos tradicionalmente abordados no ensino médio

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