Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Cistopexia videoassistida em cadela com cistocele após prolapso uterino
Krebs, Tamine
The urinary bladder prolapse associated with the uterus prolapse is a rare condition on dogs and cats. The preconized treatment envolves the anatomical repositioning of the affected structures by manual reduction or surgery procedure. The assisted surgery has been showed safety and effectiveness on abdominal cavity surgery, showing the pros of the minimally invasive procedures as trauma reduction, and reduction of convalescence period and postoperative complications. The objective of this report is describe the treatment of cystocele associated to uterine prolapse, using the videoassisted-cystopexy technique. According to these authors’ knowledge, this is a condition not previously described in the veterinarian literature. The technique presented as a viable possibility of treatment for this condition.