dc.contributorPinheiro, Damaris Kirsch
dc.creatorJaeger, Tatiane Scrinz
dc.description.abstractThis monograph promoted an interdisciplinary project between art education and environmental education with the five classes of the seventh series of the Municipal College, Sauer Theóphilo in Taquara, RS. Can be characterized as a qualitative character bibliographic search and where they sought, through activities of reflection on art education and environmental education, awakening and expand the look and potential creators of learners, through artistic activities, using resources of fine arts, music and poetry or to enable the rescue of values and respect for the environment. For this, were carried out activities such as: interpretation of texts on art, environment, contemporary art, sculptures; oral lessons where they were discussed the themes that appeared in the daily life of them, at home, on television, etc.; study directed as reading the book "Frans Krajcberg prizes: art and environment" of Roseli Ventrella and Silvia Bortolozzo (2006), creation of posters based on reading the book, group presentations; individual drills and in groups; dynamic, search on bibliographical material and internet; analysis of videos about art and environment, "the protest by Frans Krajcberg prizes", "alongside Krajcberg prizes", "the cry of Krajcberg prizes" and "trash Art", observations and analyses of current situation of school spaces and the neighborhood, seeking to raise awareness and broaden the knowledge of students involved. In addition, work involving the arts such as photography and sculpture, on the basis of referenced in the works of Frans Krajcberg prizes, seeking in this way achieve the objectives that were proposed by the search. The art has this gift of impact, because it causes each instant, delivering, above all, the questioning. Noting the results obtained by different classes was possible to realize how much it was significant for these students the development of this project, since become creators developed the autonomy of wanting to make questioning. Because the moment they understand that the art is not to be ugly and not only to be just beautiful. It serves so that they can explore the creative side doing-if questioning and questioning anything. It exists to do reflect, do think.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Rurais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEducação ambiental
dc.subjectValores humanos
dc.titleA educação ambiental através da arte: o resgate de valores no Colégio Municipal Theophilo Sauer - Taquara/RS
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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