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Acreditação hospitlar: uma abordagem teórica
Canizares, Aline Aparecida
This paper discusses Hospital Accreditation through a theoretical approach, whose
development was based on the content of Manual de Acreditação Hospitalar Brasileiro 3ª
edição (Brazilian Hospital Accreditation Manual 3rd edition) and on a selection of articles
about this subject. It also aims to present the Hospital Accreditation method to be appreciated,
demonstrating its techniques, advantages and difficulties. According to Brazilian Ordinance
1970/2001, Hospital Accreditation represents "consensus, rationalization and ordering for
hospitals and especially for permanent education of health workers and it is expressed by
evaluating institutional, voluntary, periodic and reserved resources, which tends to ensure
quality for care procedures through previously established standards". This is a theoretical
reflection regardless the research method. Hospital Accreditation is still considered little
explored in literature. However, greater interest of scholars in this area may represent a
breakthrough in researches development and may accelerate the process of its consolidation in Brazil.