Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Possibilidades e limites para a implementação de uma proposta de integração curricular dentro de uma escola básica
Guidolin, Jardel Antonio
Faced with an increasingly dynamic society, which is constantly evolving, there is a need to think about the didactic strategies and resources used by basic educational institutions. In this research, we discuss the planning and implementation of interdisciplinary activities within a basic education school. More specifically, we aim to analyze the possibilities and the limits of the implementation of an interdisciplinary project in public school, according to the principles of democratic management, within an interdisciplinary perspective, looking for answers to the following research problem: What are the challenges and advances verified by a public school of basic education, located in the county of Santa Maria, RS, in the implementation of a proposal in the curricular integration aiming at the democratic management? Therefore, an interdisciplinary teaching project was developed and implemented in a collaborative way between teachers and school management, using as a motivating theme the Environment aiming the revitalization of a physical space of the school. From the analysis of the results, one can perceive the significant contributions in terms of interaction and collaboration offered by the proposed activities. The participation and collaboration of teachers, from the planning to the execution of the interdisciplinary proposal, indicates the possibility of this type of work collaborating with the rupture of a solitary conception of teaching work, confined to the classroom and to disciplinary work.