Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A gestão educacional em uma escola pública: analisando o atendimento aos alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação
Negrini, Tatiane
This monograph study is linked to the Educational Management Specialization
Course of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. The research was undertaken in
a Municipality Public School System, which has learners identified as having high
abilities/giftedness gift features and whose join a Program of Faculty Incentive. It has
as general subject to investigate how a school, through its education management
process, organizes its administrative and pedagogic proposes to promote the
development of the gifted learners’ potentialities. The theoretical input for this
research is grounded in Libâneo; Oliveira; Toschi (2005), Lück (2006), Aranha
(2005), Renzulli (2004), amongst others, as well as in the Public Policies at
international, national and state level related to the high abilities/giftedness issue.
The research goes on in a qualitative approach, like case study and uses as tools the
documents research, with the school Pedagogic Policy Project analysis and School
Statutes, a half-structured interview with the gifted learners’ teachers and a halfstructured
with a school coordination member, and class observations. It was
possible to identify that aiding law to the high abilities/giftedness offers some
supports to the school to organize itself to attend the gifted learners, but it is
necessary to the school to know such laws and to use them as a support to the
education work. At the time, the school pedagogic policy project shall be a document
where the scholar community has to propose teaching alternatives, founding ways of
think the high abilities and the education management.