Formação permanente de professores(as) da EJA: círculo de diálogos como práxis pedagógica humanizadora
2014-03-27Registro en:
RIBEIRO, Eliziane Tainá Lunardi. Permanent teacher training of EJA: circle of dialogueshumanizing educational praxis. 2014. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2014.
Ribeiro, Eliziane Tainá Lunardi
This research is part of the Research Line Training, Knowlegdge and Professional Development (RL1), of the Postgraduate Program of Education of the Federal University of Santa Maria RS. It is a study about continuing education for teachers of Education of Young Adults and Adults (EJA) program, having as the guiding question: how teachers who work in the program Education of Young Adults and Adults (EJA) share humanizing pedagogical praxis, in the ongoing training process, through Dialogue Circles? As a methodological approach, it was used the qualitative methodological approach, Case Study. Still, as a methodological assumption, the hermeneutical approach was used, which aims at dialoguing with the teachers, listening to them, interrogating the, and with them, interpreting the different socio-cultural-historical experiences and the different processes of schooling and self/trans/formation from the time, place, and circumstances that contextualize the diverse voices that contextualize and make sense to them. It is about reading and interpreting, without, however, turning away to the reality which is interpreted and meant, enabling the dialogue with our world and understanding horizon. The main theoretical reflections that contribute to this research are: Freire (2011, 1983, 1996, 2009, 1980, 2011), Arroyo (2000, 2005), Ibérnon (2009, 2010), Fiori (2011), Herman (2002), Chizzotti (2009) and Zabalza (2004), Brunel (2004), Abramo (1994, 2005), Schön (1997), Zeichner (2008), Vásquez (2011), Oliveira (1999), Figueiredo (2009), Esclarín (2005), Manfredi (1980), Brandão (2002), Henz (2013, 2003, 2007). The group of teachers -co-authors participating in the survey is from EJA program from a municipal school in Santa Maria - RS. The survey was made through Circle of Dialogues with the teachers-co-authors; it began in July 2013 and ended in December 2013. For the constitution of this thesis, it was developed a bibliographic study on categorical dimensions such as the methodological approach, public policies of EJA, the tessituras of Popular Education with EJA program, and in particular, the juvenilization in EJA and the challenges of ongoing training of EJA teachers. With this, the study acquired the design of a dissertation regarding the continuing training of EJA teachers and topics related in particular to the juvenilization in this program. As teachers-researchers, since the beginning of the training process, until the last day, it was possible to establish that all of them were aware of the reality of their students, of the complex and delicate moments of each student in its family, of their neighborhood, their work and their social vulnerability. Being an educator at EJA requires sensitivity, dialogue, loving, reflection and humbleness for the self/trans/formation, as a condition and possibility for a humanizing pedagogical praxis.