dc.contributorGarcia, Olga Maria Correa
dc.creatorGiuliani, Amanda Antonello
dc.description.abstractThe digital records are revealed challenges for the area archival today, especially as regards the treatment given to them. The success of appropriate treatment depends in large part, on record management applied to those records in digital media. Within the context of record management has to records appraisal, a procedure that ensures rationalization of facilitating access to information. This work presents a descriptive research, qualitative approach, of study the appraisal of digital records in a consulting company archives. Through research investigates itself from the content analysis and technical analysis of whether the procedures adopted are of according to archival theory in the area. To this end, employees of consulting company completed a questionnaire and had their organizational environment observed in order to identify the position archival regarding the appraisal of the digital records. The results demonstrate the absence of some procedures based on principies and methods archival relating to appraisal of digital records conducted by consulting company, need, therefore, adjust procedures to better serve its customers.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Maria
dc.publisherCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAvaliação de documentos digitais
dc.subjectDocumentos digitais
dc.subjectEmpresa de consultoria
dc.titleA avaliação de documentos digitais em uma empresa de consultoria em arquivos
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização

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