Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Impacto de indicadores econômicos nos furtos e roubos em estados brasileiros de 2012 a 2017
Homrich, Pedro Oliveira
It’s unquestionable on the present days the problematic of criminality and your impact
on the economy and society, and it’s necessary to verify and analyse which factors
impact the crime rates and how, making possible the reduction of the social loss that
is caused. The present work sought to verify how and if significantly the unemployment,
the real average income and the Regional Economic Activity Index (IBCR) impact in
the theft and robbery occurrences in seven brazilian states, on the period of 2012 to
2017. Using quarterly observations and econometric methodology of panel data, and
based on the Economic Theory of Crime, the results show significantly and positive
effect of all variables in relation with crime rate, in consensus with what other authors
said about unemployment, and conflicting with the affirmations of authors about
income and the economic index. The impact of unemployment was more powerful than
the impact of real average income. Due to the ambiguous effect of economic variables
in criminality, according to theory, the results has shown that, in the brazilian states
researched, the availability of jobs reduces crime, reinforcing the opportunity cost of
commiting a crime, while the raise of average income and economic activity raise the
property crimes rate, possibly by the increase of the attractiveness of the monetary
advantage that criminals can get.